AI & Computer Vision

Edge Computing

Edge computing means computing done on hardware devices at or near the source of data

Edge computing means computing done on hardware devices at or near the source of data. For A.I. solutions, by processing data locally instead of transmitting data to a data server or the cloud, an edge device with A.I. software installed can analyze the data and produce outputs with minimal delay. It also means that any A.I. software can run on devices without an internet connection. Edge computing eliminates the limitation of bandwidth, internet speed, and latency problem of data transmission, which will be a versatile enabler for many broader use cases. For example, within the Internet of Things (IoT) and potentially bundled with other enterprise offerings such as 5G private networks.

We have extensive experience with different kinds of edge devices and have successfully deployed our A.I. solutions with said devices. Here are some of the hardware we use for our edge A.I. solutions.

Screenshots of different edge computers and accessories